Toilets with arrow left sign

Toilets with arrow left sign

Price From :

Excl. VAT:
£ 1.20 1.2 GBP

Incl. VAT:
£ 1.44 1.44 GBP

£ 1.29


Toilet with Arrow Left sign.

This sign is used to inform staff, visitors and the public of the direction of the toilets within the building.

This is a General Information sign.

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Toilets with arrow left sign is available for both internal/external environments (some materials are not suitable for outdoor use)

Toilets with arrow left sign is available in the following sizes:
210mm x 70mm
300mm x 100mm
450mm x 150mm

Toilets with arrow left sign is available in the following materials:
Aluminium Composite 3mm
Rigid Foam PVC 3mm
Rigid Foam PVC 3mm with Self Adhesive Backing
Rigid Plastic 1mm
Rigid Plastic with Self Adhesive Backing 1.1mm
Self Adhesive Vinyl